Location: 1-5-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda, Tokyo, JAPAN

Operational Changes in Response to COVID-19: Guidance by Asamura Patent Office/Asamura Law Office (Updated)

Apr 3, 2020

Operational Changes in Response to COVID-19: Guidance by Asamura Patent Office/Asamura Law Office

At present, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has urged to refrain from going out to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and there is a possibility of a lockdown if the government declares the state of emergency based on the Act on Special Measures against Pandemic. Under these circumstances, the operations of Asamura Patent Office and Law Office will be conducted as follows:

Our office will remain fully operational and we are committed to working within existing deadlines as our attorneys and staff work remotely while responding to new requests from the government. During the period when our office remains closed, we encourage you to contact us by email as phones might be unavailable.

If the emergency declaration is issued

Our attorneys and employees will continue working full-time remotely even if the state of emergency is declared. During the lockdown period, please refer to the following guidelines:

  • Please refrain from sending mail to our office during this period.
  • Before sending original documents such as Deed of Assignment, please email us the PDF form in advance and provide us with the tracking number so we can receive the original.
  • The submission deadline will be postponed for any documents that need to be submitted by mail to the JPO or the court. The documents will be submitted after the lockdown period is over. In rare situations when it is impossible to postpone the submission deadline, we will contact you individually with regard to this matter. Filing of the documents submitted through the JPO online filing system will remain normal without delay.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.